Monday, March 25, 2013

April meeting

At the March meeting, there were many new faces!  Welcome to all.   We finished the Four Faultless Felons.

Our next meeting will be April 14 (same time and place).  We will read the first half (chapters 1-5) of Chesterton's St. Francis of Assisi.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Anuntio vobis gaudium magnum habemus papam chestertonianam

This post from the Italian Chesterton Society:

Pare che Papa Francesco sia socio della Società Chestertoniana Argentina.
It seems that Pope Francis is a member of the Argentine Chesterton Society.

This should not really be surprising given His Holiness' love of literature--he has evidently read a lot of Borges who, as we all know, was a big fan of GKC.

Our corresponding secretary will make inquiries with our sociedad homóloga in Argentina and report back.

Fr. Brown on the Little Screen

Another update from Ellen:

BBC produced and broadcast a new 10 episode Fr. Brown series for its daytime television this year. It proved popular and they are filming 10 more episodes.
You can now watch them on YouTube! They are charming in their own way, but they have taken some liberties with the plots and characters; and it is set in the 1950's.

You'll want to check them out, anyway. 

 Here is "The flying stars".  You can find the rest on YouTube!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Radio Spot

From fellow Chestertonian Ellen:


The 12 minute interview for Catholic Radio went well. I think I hit the high points, though as you know, after you finish something like this, you keep thinking of things you should have said!
The interviewer was a really nice young guy, great interviewer, easy to talk to. He knew nothing about GKC! Maybe I convinced him to pick him up sometime.
The series is called "Around the Town" and they are interviewing a variety of local groups for it. It won't start airing till after Easter, but it will be weekly on WLIB on Saturday mornings either right before or following my friend Melinda Knight's "Life Line" program: either 10:30 or 11:30 a.m. I'll let you know when our episode is scheduled.

The radio station houses St Raphael's Catholic bookstore, and it is wonderful. They have a great selection and I dropped some serious money there before I left! Please recommend it to others who may be looking for a Catholic bookstore in Stark County. Yes, they stock some GKC titles...of course I had to ask

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Meeting

The next meeting of the St. Sebastian Chesterton Society will be March 17 at 7:00 in the rectory.  We'll be finishing up The Four Faultless Felons.